Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Feeling Better!

Ugh... I've been sick. Actually, we all have been sick.  Not just a little sick, either.  Carissa has been coughing for 2 weeks (been to the doctor 3 times).  I've been super congested and generally feeling yucky. Jolly just came down with a sinus infection.  It's been rough!

BUT ... I WALKED AGAIN!  Getting back on track!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On the right track

I'm 2.5 miles in for the week which is a good start considering it is only Tuesday and I usually don't get any walking in until Wednesday. I've got a number of reasons to avoid walking today which range from it's too windy to my feet ache so I'm keeping a low profile tonight with an in-house workout DVD - The Firm. Have you heard of it? It has four 30-minute workout sessions on it and hopefully it's not too strenuous. I will only be doing one 30-minute session, of course. Have you heard of any other good workout DVDs? I like that I don't have to leave my house to get a workout in.

I think it's time for mama to get some new tennis shoes. I'm going to go to the Athlete's Foot and have them measure my gait so I can get fitted with some really good sneakers. It's time to get serious about my footwear with my feet hurting so much.

I hope you are still on track, Gina! It's time for an update... come on girl!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Tonight's dinner: BBQ chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli, beets.

Tomorrow: Burgers sounded really good and easy, Gina, and you can load them up with heaps of healthy veggies! Side of corn on the cob and homemade sweet potato fries - dinner is served.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I haven't felt the most energetic the last two days and 12 miles is beyond my reach this week. I waited until the last four days of the week to cram all my miles in and it has worked against me this time.

Tonight's dinner: Turkey leg roast with apple cranberry stuffing (it's like Thanksgiving in August!) and roast pumpkin, zucchini and squash.

I'm off on my third walk for the week and I think it's going to be a shorter one, but at least I'm doing something, right?! The alternative was to take a very tempting nap which I successfully talked myself out of even as I was laying in bed. Yay!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I went to get a head start on the week and do a morning walk + an evening walk.  Well, I got to the furthest point from my home (with Carissa) and it started storming!!  So my walk turned into a run sprint back to the house!

This evening it's been storming but I hope to get out after it clears up!

EDIT: I did end up getting in some more miles later! YAY!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Menu: 8/7/11

  • Bs&Gs (yep, going to be bad.)
  • Burgers + Sweet Potato Fries (we ended up not doing the sweet potato fries)


  • Out with co-workers?


We're heading to Warrensburg for the weekend so this is all I have to come up with this week!

Kickin it in gear

It was hard for me to get into it to this week, but I finally did a short walk on Thursday followed by two walks which increased in distance each day. I realized after the first day that I would have some catching up to do with my mileage and the route I was doing was not going to cut it. I'm going to try to spread it out more over a few days next week. I need more water because I'm getting headaches and I think I know what you mean about your stomach hurting after a workout. I noticed mine felt sore tonight and that has never happened to me before.
There's still the weekend to do some catching up. I was worried I wouldn't get to 12 either, but I think I will if I do a big walk tomorrow. The weather here is kinda perfect for walking because it's just brisk and spring-like.
There is always the treadmill if it is too hot.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Feelin' Lazy

I haven't been feeling it this week but I did give a little effort:

  • Thursday I walked 1.5 miles around the neighborhood instead of doing nothing.
  • I walked the stairs at work instead of the elevator.
Probably can't make 12 miles this week since that would mean 7.5 tomorrow, but it's a start!